specimen | multimedia
Trichilia dregeana Sond.
Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Sapindales > Meliaceae > Trichilia


Accepted NameTrichilia dregeana Sond.
TaxonomyPlantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Sapindales > Meliaceae > Trichilia
Name According toSynonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in: Catalogue of Life
Original NameTrichilia dregeana
Taxonomy Original NameMELIACEAE
Status Original Nameaccepted species
Resolving Stateresolved on species level

Gathering Event

CountryUganda (Africa)
LocalityTooro BotanicalGardenArboreta; Fort portal
BiotopeRestored Garden arboreta with trees, shrubs and climbers
Altitude1518 m
Collector(s)Kamugisha, E: Kokugonza, H.
Collector's numbers.n.
Collection Date2021-05-07
Collecting Sourcenot provided


Catalog Numbertbg0225
Collection CodeTBG
Institution CodeTBG
Institution Full NameTooro Botanical Gardens
Other NumbersT1273
Record BasisPreservedSpecimen
Sample Typespecimen
Establishment Meansnot provided

Threatened and other tree species in Uganda

DescriptionBotanical Garden is conserving 11 globally and 10 nationally threatened and other tree species growing in the garden arboreta and seeks to bring more into ex-situ conservation of all threatened and other plant species of Uganda. This database has a collection of 275 voucher specimens collected with the GGI-garden Awards support and made available for discoverability to GGBN.


Mutegeki Alislam Said Musa, saidmutegeki@tbguganda.org
Jörg Holetschek, biodiversitydata@bgbm.org
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