Data providing member | Joined: March 29, 2021
Universidad Nacional de Colombia / National University of Colombia
Online since: January 16, 2023
Last update: April 25, 2024

Parasite-Host Relationship Study Group/Grupo de Estudio Relación Parásito-Hospedero

Biobank of blood and DNA from amphibian, reptiles, birds, mammals and their hemoparasites from Apicomplexan, Kinetiplastida and Nematoda taxa. Samples are stored in ethanol, SET buffer or EDTA at -20°C. DNA extracted from some infected and non-infected vertebrate are resuspended in TE and stored at -20°C. GERPH collection also has microscopic preparations as specimen voucher material and photographic record of the hosts.


Sample Requests
Angie Gonzalez
Carrera 30 # 45-03
111321 Bogota

Institution Type


Collection Type

Preserved, Tissue

Collection Size

17000 Microscopic slides, 2000 Blood frozen

Collection Coverage

Kingdoms: Animalia, Protista
Taxa: Mammalia, Reptilia, Amphibia, Apicomplexa, Trypanosomatida, Nematoda, Aves

Usage restrictions

The transference of samples to foreign collections or laboratories should follow the export processing applicable for non-CITES species. Species samples in any CITES appendix could be exported if the researcher carry out the corresponding export process with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development or another competent authority. Other intentions of use, such as biological prospecting, industrial application, or commercial use, require that the researcher or their institution do the processes for a contract to genetic resources access with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development or the competent authority. Following the Nagoya Protocol application about genetic resources access and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits derived from its use. The materials transferred to an institution may NOT be fully or partially shared with a third institution or researchers without first consulting directly with GERPH collection and managing the resulting agreements. Failure to adhere to these terms during or after carrying out the studies with the transferred material reported by third parties or detected, for example, through scientific publications, will be redirected to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia's legal and Intellectual Property office, the university is the custodian of the samples.
Loan Policies: CI8EaIJD9ik4ua/view?usp=sharing

Access rights

The Biological collection can provide specimens for developing research and exchange specimens with other national or international biological collections. For the latter, agreements or contracts must be signed beforehand. The use must be exclusively for scientific activities such as generating new molecular knowledge for systematic, taxonomy, ecology, evolutionary, or biogeography, with non-commercial purposes. Tissue, blood, and DNA samples are a finite resource, so their access is at the curators' discretion. Depending on the amount of sample per species available in the collection in order to maximize its preservation. DNA samples transference should be consulted with the curator by email to with a copy to If the transfer is possible, the interested should sign the material transfer agreement available below, and the material mobility procedures will begin.

Curation details

Primary Purpose: Research
Development Status: Active growth
Preservation methods: Frozen, Fluid-preserved, Slide mount
Known to contain types: Yes

Institution Codes

Acronym: UNAL


The measured use of blood or other tissue and DNA samples can be carried out within specific agreements with other collections or multidisciplinary or inter-institutional research projects. Authorships for products from such inter-institutional research projects which involves researches from Universidad Nacional de Colombia would be discussed in the proposal of projects. The transferred samples should be used only for the agreed purposes and by the people who signed the agreement directly; once the studies finish, any remaining samples should be destroyed. Credits of origin of the samples must be provided to the GERPH collection in the databases and publications or research that use the collection's material.