Associate member | Joined: October 5, 2020
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras Jose Benito Vives de Andreis INVEMAR

Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia - MHNMC

The Marine Natural History Museum of Colombia (MHNMC) – Makuriwa, that is part of the Marine and Coastal Research Institute (INVEMAR) holds the most important, numerous and well documented marine biological collections of the country. The Museum is registered in the National Register of Biological Collections ( since 2001 (Registration No. 82). The first lots in the museum are from the 1960s. Most of the collections are organized by phylum, with some exceptions such as Fishes, Plankton, Fungi, Bacteria and the Tissue collection. Samples of the museum are mostly from the Caribbean Sea, however, also from the Tropical Eastern Pacific, as marine areas belonging to the country, whose research is the INVEMAR mission. Most of the data associated with biological collections are available online through the Marine Biodiversity Information System (SiBM) ( which is the marine node of SiB-Colombia; through the IPT-SiBM; and through GBIF and OBIS, since INVEMAR is a data provider.


Sample Requests
Francisco Armando Arias Isaza
Calle 25 No. 2-55
470006 Santa Marta

Institution Type

Research institute, Museum

Collection Type

Tissue, Preserved

Collection Coverage

Kingdoms: Archaebacteria, Animalia, Eubacteria, Fungi, Plantae, Protista
Taxa: N/A

Usage restrictions

Restrictions as per collection permit, MTA, limited embargo period of internal research material until publication, destructive sampling refusal e.g. rare/type material on scientific grounds.

Access rights

Access to 3rd parties via aprovation by the the General Curator of the MHNMC-INVEMAR following the collection management policy including the requirements for the acquisition of material (collection permits), preservation, management and digitization workflows, risk management and security, access, loans, visits, terms, and conditions for use, import and export permits, shipping and transportation, among others. The policy is following the Quality Management System, the Occupational Health and Safety and Environment System and the national and international regulations applying for biological collections, biodiversity, and access to genetic resources and other relevant national and international regulations. Information for access to the collections resources by the general public, scholars, academic and INVEMAR researchers is available on the museum's website

Curation details

Primary Purpose: Research
Preservation methods: Dried and pressed, Dried, Cryopreserved, Fluid-preserved, SEM stub
Known to contain types: Yes

Institution Codes

Acronym: INVEMAR


Mostly owned by MHNMC-INVEMAR following the collection management policy including the requirements for the acquisition of material (collection permits), preservation, management and digitization workflows, risk management and security, access, loans, visits, terms, and conditions for use, import and export permits, shipping and transportation, among others.

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