Trichilia inaequilatera T. D. Penn. | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1977-05-08 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Calymperes venezuelanum (Mitt.) Broth. ex Pittier | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1976-06-19 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Miconia Ruiz & Pav. | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1999-09-18 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Miconia Ruiz & Pav. | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1999-09-18 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Tibouchina Aubl. | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1999-09-18 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Melastomataceae Juss. | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1999-09-18 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Miconia Ruiz & Pav. | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1999-09-18 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Miconia Ruiz & Pav. | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1999-09-18 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Aniba cinnamomiflora C. K. Allen | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of | 1995-06-02 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Polyscias madagascariensis (Seem.) Harms | Unknown | 2007-06-02 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Croton lichenisilvae Leandri | Unknown | 2007-06-02 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Saldinia myrtilloides Bremek. | Unknown | 2007-05-30 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Dicoryphe macrophylla Baill. | Unknown | 1999-01-16 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Schizolaena noronhae (Tul.) G.E.Schatz & Lowry | Unknown | | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Polyscias J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. | Unknown | | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Didymeles integrifolia J. St.-Hil. | Unknown | 2002-02-20 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Ixora mocquerysii Aug.DC. | Unknown | 1997-10-04 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | leaves | same individual | |
Gaertnera Lam. | Unknown | 1997-11-17 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Gaertnera monstruosa Malcomber | Unknown | 1997-11-16 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |
Polyscias J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. | Unknown | 2007-07-21 | | | | | | | | |
Repository | Material Type | Preparation Type | Relation | Available for Loan | MBG, St. Louis | specimen | N/A | | | MBG, St. Louis | tissue | N/A | same individual | |