DNA | sequences | tissue
Somateria mollissima mollissima (Linnaeus, 1758)
Animalia > Chordata > Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae > Somateria > Somateria mollissima


Accepted NameSomateria mollissima mollissima (Linnaeus, 1758)
TaxonomyAnimalia > Chordata > Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae > Somateria > Somateria mollissima
Name According toThe Integrated Taxonomic Information System in: Catalogue of Life
Original NameSomateria mollissima mollissima (Linnaeus, 1758)
Taxonomy Original NameAnimalia > Chordata > Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae > Somateria > mollissima
Status Original Nameaccepted infraspecific name
Resolving Stateresolved on subspecies level

Gathering Event

CountryNorway (Europe)
Collector(s)Solheim, Roar
Collector's number7
Collection Date2004-03-28
Collecting Sourcenot provided


GUID/Occurrence IDurn:uuid:50c94d9d-1dc8-4b36-ac5d-032b272c2a28
Catalog NumberNHMO-BI-8592/2-D
Collection CodeBI
Institution CodeNHMO
Institution Full NameNatural History Museum of Oslo
Record BasisMaterialSample
Sample TypeDNA
Establishment Meansnot provided
PreservationBuffer, unspecified



Bird collection

DescriptionThe NHMO DNA Bank holds a comprehensive collection of tissue and extracted DNA predominantly from Scandinavian fauna and flora, but also with substantial contributions from other parts of the world.
RightsSamples in the NHMO DNA Bank are available for loans to the general scientific community, on the conditions set out in the Grant policy of the NHMO DNA Bank (see https://www.nhm.uio.no/english/collections/dna-bank/policy-procedures/). However, juridical or other limitations may apply to samples, which will have to be clarified before such samples can be loaned. To search the collection directly, go to https://nhmo-birds.collectionexplorer.org/ Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.


Lars Erik Johannessen, nhm-dnabank@nhm.uio.no , P.O. Box 1172 Blindern Norway, NO-0318 Oslo
BOLD number(s)BON107-07
ENA number(s)
NCBI number(s)


Accepted NameSomateria mollissima mollissima (Linnaeus, 1758)
TaxonomyAnimalia > Chordata > Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae > Somateria > Somateria mollissima
Name According toThe Integrated Taxonomic Information System in: Catalogue of Life
Original NameSomateria mollissima mollissima (Linnaeus, 1758)
Taxonomy Original NameAnimalia > Chordata > Aves > Anseriformes > Anatidae > Somateria > mollissima
Status Original Nameaccepted infraspecific name
Resolving Stateresolved on subspecies level

Gathering Event

CountryNorway (Europe)
Collector(s)Solheim, Roar
Collector's number7
Collection Date2004-03-28
Collecting Sourcenot provided


GUID/Occurrence IDurn:uuid:78cb0b13-5749-42dd-ab16-9445d0d39753
Catalog NumberNHMO-BI-8592/1-T
Collection CodeBI
Institution CodeNHMO
Institution Full NameNatural History Museum of Oslo
Record BasisMaterialSample
Sample Typetissue
Establishment Meansnot provided
PreservationEthanol, 96%

Bird collection

DescriptionThe NHMO DNA Bank holds a comprehensive collection of tissue and extracted DNA predominantly from Scandinavian fauna and flora, but also with substantial contributions from other parts of the world.
RightsSamples in the NHMO DNA Bank are available for loans to the general scientific community, on the conditions set out in the Grant policy of the NHMO DNA Bank (see https://www.nhm.uio.no/english/collections/dna-bank/policy-procedures/). However, juridical or other limitations may apply to samples, which will have to be clarified before such samples can be loaned. To search the collection directly, go to https://nhmo-birds.collectionexplorer.org/ Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 License.


Lars Erik Johannessen, nhm-dnabank@nhm.uio.no , P.O. Box 1172 Blindern Norway, NO-0318 Oslo, N/A
no coordinates provided

Loan information

not blockedtissue available for loan
not blockedDNA available for loan

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