Lepus capensis Linnaeus, 1758
Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Lagomorpha > Leporidae > Lepus


Accepted NameLepus capensis Linnaeus, 1758
TaxonomyAnimalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Lagomorpha > Leporidae > Lepus
Name According toThe Integrated Taxonomic Information System in: Catalogue of Life
Original NameLepus capensis
Taxonomy Original NameAnimalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Lagomorpha > Leporidae > Lepus > capensis
Status Original Nameaccepted species
Resolving Stateresolved on species level

Gathering Event

Collector's numbers.n.
Collection Date2013
Collecting Sourcewild


GUID/Occurrence IDurn:catalog:SMNHTAU:Mammalia:14344
Catalog Number14344
Collection CodeMammalia
Institution CodeSMNHTAU
Institution Full NameSteinhardt Museum of Natural History
Record BasisPreservedSpecimen
Sample Typetissue
Establishment Meansnative




Status: Unknown
Other, pre-Nagoya

Steinhardt Museum of Natural History (SMNHTAU) Vertebrates

DescriptionThe National Collections of Natural History at the Steinhardt Museum comprise over five million specimens that document nature over millennia, as well as the history and development of culture in the Levant region. This dynamic documentation is essential for a wide range of research topics in biology, archeology, and anthropology, as well as for applied research that supports a wide range of applied policy-relevant studies, primarily focused on agriculture and environmental conservation and health. Accordingly, the collections serve hundreds of scientists and professionals every year. Specimens are collected by the Museum’s scientists and their students in the course of their research. Birds and mammals are usually individuals that died in the wild and were collected by Israel Nature and Parks Authority rangers or from the wildlife hospital. Additionally, scientists from many other institutions transfer specimens or whole collections to our museum, to ensure their preservation for the benefit of science. Similarly, smaller museum collections and private collections are assimilated into the Steinhardt Museum collections in order to guarantee their preservation and make them accessible to the scientific community.
RightsTo the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction.
CitationSteinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel Aviv, Vertebrate Collections


Collections Database Manager
Yonatan Gur, yona4@tauex.tau.ac.il , Klausner 12, IL, 972-3-6409042
Collections Database Manager
Yonatan Gur, yona4@tauex.tau.ac.il , Tel Aviv IL
VertNet Coordinator
David Bloom, dbloom@vertnet.org
Information Architect
John Wieczorek, tuco@berkeley.edu
no coordinates provided

Loan information

not blockedtissue available for loan

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