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The Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) is a private center for research and education focused on the comparative relationships of animal life. The MCZ houses millions of animal specimens divided into nine departments and hosts thousands of visiting researchers each year.
DNA & tissue samples in freezers (-80/-20
The Tissue and DNA Collection forms a central cryogenic repository of samples from reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, fish, marine invertebrates, and terrestrial invertebrates..
No description available
Museo de Zoología at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador hosts the largest specimen collection and Genome bank in Ecuador. The genome bank has over 40,000 tissues (updated to August 2015) stored in -80 ultra freezers.
No description available
No description available
The New Zealand Arthropod collection (NZAC) is one of five nationally significant biological research collections held by the Crown Research Institute, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. The NZAC is the largest collection of New Zealand terrestrial invertebrates in the world and also contains significant holdings of material from Pacific island nations. The collection consists of over one million pinned specimens and approximately six million specimens stored in ethanol. There are over 2,500 primary type specimens.
The Biobank of the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB, Bonn and Hamburg) archives samples of animal and environmental DNA, fixed or snap-frozen tissue, and cell cultures, associated with the corresponding biological data. Storage temperatures: -190°C (liquid nitrogen), -80°C, -40°C, -20°C, ambient (sealed). Further info:
The DSMZ offers quality controlled DNA for PCR applications from nearly all bacterial strains and yeasts of the collection. Quality is also sufficient for genome sequencing applying Illumina and related techniques but not intended for long read sequencing.
Botanic garden Repository Herbarium Conservation Laboratory
Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI) is one of the pioneer institutes in India devoted to the conservation and sustainable utilization of tropical biodiversity. The plant conservation activities of JNTBGRI are aligned with the targets laid out under the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which are highly relevant to all the targets under SDG 15. We are now home to over 4000 species, including several species endemic to the Western Ghats. JNTBGRI is unique in its conservation actions with conservatories for all major plant groups and exclusive conservatories for threatened species in India. JNTBGRI is structured in such a way that garden and research and development activities are carried out in an inclusive manner.